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Da Vinci Controversy Reignites
Keys to the Da Vinci Code Reveals the Startling Truth
About the Basis for Da Vinci Code Movie

The hottest controversy in the literary and religious worlds surrounds the bestselling novel, The Da Vinci Code. And with good reason. Religious fundamentalists don't want their God held up to scrutiny. And secularists see the book as evidence the whole of Christianity is based on exaggeration, censorship and murder. Who is right?

The truth is, it doesn't matter. What matters is the high level of interest across the philosophical and cultural spectrum. From zealots to agnostics, from scholars to people just wanting to be entertained, the true tale of the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is a fascinating topic for millions of people.

With the release of the Da Vinci Code Movie ready to make headlines and shatter movie attendance records, the controversy will rage anew. Enter the international bestselling book, the Keys to the Da Vinci Code by Mariano Fernandez Urresti and Lorenzo Fernández Bueno. 

Whether you love or hate Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in separating fact from fiction. The scrupulously researched Keys to the Da Vinci Code reveals:

  • The secret societies that protected the secret of the Grail
  • The descendants of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene
  • The divine dynasty of the Merovingians
  • The secrets of the Order of the Temple
  • The disturbing truths about the Priory of Zion
  • The mysterious manuscripts discovered at Rennes-le-Chateau
  • Much, much more…

The Keys to the Da Vinci Code is a thrilling journey through history that will help people to better understand and appreciate the occult history of the Christian Church, which lends the Da Vinci Code its powerful mystique.

"Dan Brown's novel has created an intense interest in Christ-related themes, and Christian mysticism has awakened among a large sector of the public," said David Rippe, President of Celestia International, the firm handling media relations for the book. "The arguments posed by the authors are based on closely examined first-hand material. Their conclusions may prove be controversial in some circles, but deserve to be given an open forum."

Indeed, the discussion of the mysteries of Christ's lineage is supported by an array of visual and material evidence presented in documents and photographs. While conducting their research, the authors traveled thousands of miles through more than twenty different countries, tracing each piece of evidence that shapes this very unusual and compelling puzzle. 

David Rippe states, "The public finally has access to the clues to a mystery hidden for centuries, which cost the lives of many seeking the truth. This is a chance for people to discover the actual foundation of their beliefs."

For more information, please contact David Rippe at 513-253-4854, david@celestiacorp.com or visit www.davincicodekeys.com.




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