Scott Jackson’s story begins during America’s Civil Rights movement, a time when his own family fell apart, and his childhood became a struggle to escape his brutal reactionary father to live with his mother—an idealistic young woman with opposite values, sympathies, and ambitions –and her new husband, an African American pastor who would fill the role of a good father where his natural father had fallen short.
Out of this complicated childhood Scott Jackson found himself on a life course that is focused on charity and spreading goodwill. He has risen to the highest levels of international charity, serving as senior vice president of World Vision U.S. and vice president of PATH before joining Global Impact as CEO.
However, the main idea of Take Me with You is not to deliver a narrative of one man’s life and times; this is a carefully articulated call to action to help those in need. Running parallel to the story of Scott’s experiences are short essays written to encourage others to make the connection between our own personal struggles and the larger cultural problems of people worldwide.
Take Me with You is an inspiring story with practical instruction for getting people involved, either in important small ways or making a larger commitment to achieve justice and an ecologically sustainable world.