Like our muscles, our emotions need a good toning workout for them to remain fit and responsive. Too often, when confronted with an emotionally charged situation involving a boss, loved one, or even a random stranger, we tend to respond from the gut rather than the head. These knee-jerk responses nearly always have the same root: a combination of anger and fear.
But what if you really could find a way to tone your emotions in the same way you would your body? That’s the premise behind Playing Life from Center Court, a written condensation of Dr. Arynne Simon’s highly successful lecture and coaching series. Using a familiar sports analogy, Dr. Simon teaches common sense methods for eliminating the emotional clutter from our daily lives. Through her regimen of Emotional Fitness, we learn how to avoid the twin traps of anger and fear, and discover more constructive ways to respond to the situations, squabbles and nuisances that visit us on a daily basis.